Accelerating Breakthroughs in Neuron Regeneration by Bringing Together the World’s Experts in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Spinal Cord Injury, and Artificial Intelligence.

About NeuronRegen

If you’re a researcher, healthcare provider, patient, parent, or anyone else interested in reversing any form of damage to neurons, this website is for you. Our mission is to accelerate breakthroughs in Neuron Regeneration by bringing together the world’s experts in neurodegenerative diseases, spinal cord injury, and artificial intelligence. Curating relevant research as well as conducting interviews & group discussions via ‘The Neuron Regeneration Podcast,’ will spread and further develop promising ideas, make connections across disciplines and syndromes, and attempt to make any breakthrough in neuron healing for one syndrome/trauma, known by all. By combining and supporting the incredible minds and efforts of thousands around the world with new ideas and acceleration via artificial intelligence, hopefully we can all reach our goals faster.

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