Cerebral Palsy & Neuron Regeneration

Below are the top 20 results from the following PubMed search, sorted by “Best Match,” limited to the past 10 years: “Cerebral Palsy” AND (“neural regeneration” OR “neuron regeneration” OR “nerve regeneration”)

(Last updated Spring 2023)

Peripheral nerve intersectional repair by bi-directional induction and systematic remodelling: biodegradable conduit tubulization from basic research to clinical application.

Peixun Z, Na H, Kou Y, Xiaofeng Y, Jiang B.

Artif Cells Nanomed Biotechnol. 2017 Dec;45(8):1464-1466. doi: 10.1080/21691401.2017.1373658. Epub 2017 Sep 8.

PMID: 28884592 Review.

The assumption of the bi-directional induction between the central system and the terminal effector during peripheral nerve regeneration is purposed and proved in clinical by our group. …Some of the patients suffering from cerebral palsy or cerebr



Acupuncture for cerebral palsy: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Li LX, Zhang MM, Zhang Y, He J.

Neural Regen Res. 2018 Jun;13(6):1107-1117. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.233455.

PMID: 29926839 Free PMC article.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of acupuncture therapy for children with cerebral palsy. DATA SOURCES: We conducted electronic searches of PUBMED (1950/2017), EMBASE (1974/2017), ScienceDirect (1986/2017), Academic Source Premier (1887/2017), the Coch …



Differences in standing balance between patients with diplegic and hemiplegic cerebral palsy.

Rojas VG, Rebolledo GM, Muñoz EG, Cortés NI, Gaete CB, Delgado CM.

Neural Regen Res. 2013 Sep 15;8(26):2478-83. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5374.2013.26.009.

PMID: 25206558 Free PMC article.

Maintaining standing postural balance is important for walking and handling abilities in patients with cerebral palsy. This study included 23 patients with cerebral palsy (seven with spastic diplegia and 16 with spastic hemiplegia), aged from 7 to 16 y …



Establishing a rat model of spastic cerebral palsy by targeted ethanol injection.

Yu Y, Li L, Shao X, Tian F, Sun Q.

Neural Regen Res. 2013 Dec 5;8(34):3255-62. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5374.2013.34.010.

PMID: 25206647 Free PMC article.

Spastic cerebral palsy is generally considered to result from cerebral cortical or pyramidal tract damage. …These findings indicate that this is an effective and easy method of establishing a rat model of spastic cerebral palsy with good re-pr …



Resting-state network complexity and magnitude changes in neonates with severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy.

Li HX, Yu M, Zheng AB, Zhang QF, Hua GW, Tu WJ, Zhang LC.

Neural Regen Res. 2019 Apr;14(4):642-648. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.247468.

PMID: 30632504 Free PMC article.

Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging has revealed disrupted brain network connectivity in adults and teenagers with cerebral palsy. However, the specific brain networks implicated in neonatal cases remain poorly understood. …



Mononuclear cells from the cord blood and granulocytecolony stimulating factor-mobilized peripheral blood: is there a potential for treatment of cerebral palsy?

Koh H, Hwang K, Lim HY, Kim YJ, Lee YH.

Neural Regen Res. 2015 Dec;10(12):2018-24. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.172321.

PMID: 26889193 Free PMC article.

The expression of G-CSF in mPBMCs from cerebral palsy children was comparable to that in the cord blood but significantly higher than that in mPBMCs from healthy adults. Lower expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-1beta, interleukin-3, and -6) and hi …



Response of the sensorimotor cortex of cerebral palsy rats receiving transplantation of vascular endothelial growth factor 165-transfected neural stem cells.

Tan J, Zheng X, Zhang S, Yang Y, Wang X, Yu X, Zhong L.

Neural Regen Res. 2014 Oct 1;9(19):1763-9. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.141785.

PMID: 25422637 Free PMC article.

Transplantation of vascular endothelial growth factor-transfected neural stem cells may be neuroprotective in rats with cerebral palsy. In this study, 7-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into five groups: (1) sham operation (control), (2) cerebral


Virtual reality interface devices in the reorganization of neural networks in the brain of patients with neurological diseases.

Gatica-Rojas V, Méndez-Rebolledo G.

Neural Regen Res. 2014 Apr 15;9(8):888-96. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.131612.

PMID: 25206907 Free PMC article.

The improvements observed in neurological diseases (chronic stroke and cerebral palsy) have been shown by changes in the reorganization of neural networks in patients’ brain, along with better hand function and other skills, contributing to their quality of l …



Motor function outcomes of pediatric patients with hemiplegic cerebral palsy after rehabilitation treatment: a diffusion tensor imaging study.

Kim JH, Kwon YM, Son SM.

Neural Regen Res. 2015 Apr;10(4):624-30. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.155438.

PMID: 26170825 Free PMC article.

There is also evidence that DTI parameters can help predict the prognosis of motor function of patients with cerebral palsy. But few studies are reported on the DTI parameters that can reflect the motor function outcomes of pediatric patients with hemiplegic cere


Surgical Technique of Xu’s CC7 Procedure “Contralateral C7 to C7 Cross Nerve Transfer Through a Trans Longus Colli, Prespinal Route for Treating Spastic Arm”.

Xu WD.

Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2020 Dec 15;20(1):61-68. doi: 10.1093/ons/opaa325.

PMID: 33047132

Previous trial has verified the safety and effectiveness of the contralateral C7 to C7 cross nerve transfer for patients with longstanding spastic paralysis due to cerebral injuries, including stroke, traumatic brain injury, or cerebral palsy. …RESUL …

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